Do happy people need therapy, too?
‘I was asked something I’ve never been asked before: Do I have any history of depression?’
‘I was asked something I’ve never been asked before: Do I have any history of depression?’
‘Where their kids are concerned, don’t poke the mama bears with a stick’
The young and healthy Pilgrim men resented working uncompensated for other people
‘Viciousness and a lack of empathy seem to be common characteristics of the left’
‘What hasn’t occurred to the leftists is that bullying doesn’t make them more liked by voters’
‘Regardless of who wins (or is announced the winner), chaos is likely to erupt’
A bug-out bag is very different from the zombie-apocalypse bag touted on so many prepper websites
It’s ‘one of the most illogical and dangerous personal financial habits’
‘Backyard gardeners will decide this is the hill they will die on … perhaps literally’
‘It pulled back the curtain and exposed the heartlessness of the administration’
‘It will take just one gentle tap to send the whole American economy crashing’
‘The message is one of hopelessness. No matter what you do, the planet is doomed’
Hearing among lawmakers was to address ‘consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s policy failures’
‘Instagram adventurers may be overlooking the most exciting adventure of all’
‘There is a new social media trend among the younger generations’
‘At the societal and individual level, redundancy is sacrificed on the altar of efficiency’
‘Never underestimate people who simply want to be left alone to live normal lives’
‘As a writer, methinks I’m not likely to be replaced by a computer any time soon’
‘The best things We the Peons can do is make ourselves as idiot-proof as possible’
Notes Harris has yet to do an interview as the Democrat presumptive candidate: ‘She can’t do an interview. She’s barely competent. … But I look forward to the debates because I think we have to set the record straight’
‘What happens when pie-in-the-sky government agendas clash with boots-on-the-ground reality’
‘Buckle up, folks. It’s only going to get crazier as the election grows closer’
‘Modern government calculators are designed to obfuscate reality and convince people things are just ducky’