UN and Globalism Archives * WorldNetDaily https://www.wnd.com/category/un-and-globalism/ A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997 Sun, 08 Dec 2024 22:58:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.wnd.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/220131305714_a44dc238e2d98fc82ebb_34-150x150.jpg UN and Globalism Archives * WorldNetDaily https://www.wnd.com/category/un-and-globalism/ 32 32 One of Trump’s problems: Fixing Biden’s ‘submissiveness’ on world stage https://www.wnd.com/2024/12/one-of-trumps-problems-fixing-bidens-submissiveness-on-world-stage/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=one-of-trumps-problems-fixing-bidens-submissiveness-on-world-stage https://www.wnd.com/2024/12/one-of-trumps-problems-fixing-bidens-submissiveness-on-world-stage/#respond Sun, 08 Dec 2024 22:58:00 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5287354 Ideally, would be 'the right leader at the right time to break with increasingly outdated dysfunctional post WWII conventions']]>

Joe Biden delivers virtual remarks before signing H.R. 7352 and H.R. 7334, bipartisan bills addressing fraud committed under COVID-19 small business relief programs, Friday, Aug. 5, 2022, on the Blue Room Balcony of the White House. (Official White House photo by Erin Scott)

The United States needs a national security strategy reset. WWII ended 79 years ago, and the U.S. has engaged in some form of conflict for roughly 61 of those 79 years. The post-WWII era has been one of almost continual conflict and to what end? Republican and Democrat Administrations alike have made a practice of rushing into conflict absent decisive strategy and without achieving decisive outcomes.

The post-WWII rules-based order (RBO), centered around the United Nations and other international institutions, is often credited with having provided greater stability and peace in the world since WWII. But this is not true. It is an illusion. The world avoided large scale violent global conflict, but small-scale conflicts in the form of civil wars, border conflicts, regional wars, and terrorism have raged since 1945.

False hopes regarding the rules-based order and its effectiveness have warped the West’s view of war and its understanding of why the Allies were able to achieve a durable victory in WWII.

The Allies won WWII because they broke the will of the Axis powers through the sheer magnitude of death and destruction dealt to their civilian populations, not just to their armies. But ever since then, the United States has so feared conflicts escalating into vicious interstate wars that—perversely—it has tried over and over to fight limited wars for limited objectives, believing that such wars can either achieve our objectives or bring diplomacy into focus.

Counterintuitively, however, limited wars fail to result in long-lasting diplomatic solutions because they are limited. The U.S. fails to make war costly enough to collapse the will of our enemies and, because the U.S. is unwilling to wage war that is sufficiently violent and destructive, war doesn’t deliver decisive outcomes.

It is time for the United States to try a different tack and, by doing so, to also put itself in the position of having to use military power less frequently. With an actual framework to help guide the application of force, the U.S. would also be able to bring greater coherence to how and when it wages war and supports allies and partners.

Anna Simons, Joe McGraw, and Duane Lauchengco published a book in 2011 called, The Sovereignty Solution, which offers a framework worthy of consideration.

The Sovereignty Solution advocates for a national security strategy based on making more, not less of sovereignty. What does this mean? It means that the U.S. responds to violations of its sovereignty forcefully and overwhelmingly in order to stop the violator from engaging in more violence. What the U.S. will not do is deploy forces to reshape or rebuild whole countries and their societies. The U.S. military exists to defend U.S. sovereignty and provide security for its people, its territories, and its national interests and treaty partners. Period. This stands in stark contrast to how the U.S. has employed its military capabilities since 9/11 or how it is addressing Iran’s near constant attacks on U.S. personnel and interests now.

The goal in taking sovereignty seriously is to foster a system of mutual respect among nations. The U.S. will refrain from interfering in, or with, other countries, but where and when U.S. sovereignty is violated, the U.S. will respond forcefully against the perpetrators—and their sponsors. We expect our allies and partners to do the same and will support them when they are true partners (as described in the book).

This approach diverges from traditional strategies by focusing on reducing U.S. combat missions overseas and by insisting instead on strong accountability by states for the actions of their citizens and not just their militaries; to include supporting or providing safe havens for terrorists. The Sovereignty Solution also promotes strengthening countries’ domestic social fabric, addressing vulnerabilities like political polarization, which adversaries can exploit.

There is no better example of how fecklessly the United States currently manages conflict than the Biden Administration’s response to Israel’s current war. The Biden Administration has been bi-polar in its approach to Israel’s conflict and unforgivably submissive towards Iran.

For instance, the Administration supports Israel’s right to defend itself but does so while demanding restraint. How does this make sense when Hamas’s attack on October 7th of 2023 was the manifestation of Iran’s stated aim of annihilating Israel? The Biden Administration has worked overtime to reign in Israel while leaving Iran and its proxies unchallenged, which in effect protects Iran.

Clearly, President Biden, members of his administration, and many leading Democrats believe that Israel has gone too far in Gaza and is now over-reaching against Hezbollah in Lebanon. They seem to believe that Israel has more than gotten even and should now prioritize finding a diplomatic solution to end the fighting. The Administration believes that only a ceasefire and well-defined road map for achieving a two-state solution will lead to long-term stability, and that this will undermine Iran’s long-term goal of destroying Israel.

But Israel’s defense of itself is not about getting even. And it is not about the Palestinians. It is about re-securing Israel’s sovereignty.

According to a sovereignty rules framework, what happened on October 7th is that Hamas, the de facto sovereign government of Gaza, violated Israel’s sovereignty through an act of war. Israel therefore not only had the right to reciprocate with overwhelming force, but a duty to reduce Hamas’s military capability so that it can no longer present a viable threat to Israel’s security. Israel has a similar duty vis-à-vis Hezbollah. Likewise, Israel has an obligation to its citizens to strike Iran with as much force as is needed to stop Iran’s support for Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and to halt Iran’s own direct attacks on Israel.

Israel has given peace a chance. Israel has given the two-state solution a chance. Israel has long tried trusting the rules-based order to help it protect itself. Indeed, Israel has tried everything militarily possible through overt and covert means to prevent Iran from reaching its stated goal of annihilating Israel—which is the ultimate violation of sovereignty! Yet, none of these things have been sufficient to dissuade Iran or its proxies from seeking Israel’s destruction.

Disappointingly, not only has the liberal version of the rules-based order failed to work, but the United Nations—the flagship organization for that order—has itself provided diplomatic cover for Hamas via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which ignored and may have abetted Hamas in militarizing its society and indoctrinating Palestinians to liquidate the Jews.  How perverse that in his remarks at the 79th United Nations General Assembly, President Biden said that Gazans did not ask for the war that Hamas started. Clearly, my eyes must have been lying to me when I watched footage of Gazans cheering and celebrating on October 7th.

In a further dereliction of its duty, the UN chose to not enforce Security Council Resolution 1701, which was meant to firewall southern Lebanon from Israel and Hezbollah, and thereby prevent another war after the Second Lebanon War of 2006. Instead, the UN Interim Force in Lebanon did nothing as Hezbollah infiltrated southern Lebanon and militarized it much the same way Hamas did Gaza. 1701 was made exceedingly hollower when Iran equipped Hezbollah with sophisticated indirect fires systems and drones that could range across Israel from inside Lebanon.

Another RBO shortcoming relates to how exit strategies are conceived of these days. The idea that countries that respond to violations of their sovereignty are responsible for putting everything back together again in the violator’s territory goes hand-in-hand with the West’s fantasy that it can remake whole societies through regime change. Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya are proof that none of this works. Not only is it impossible to rebuild other people’s nations for them, but it is also a terrible waste of resources and time.

Equally wasteful is not destroying an entity that has attacked you, that has expressed its intent to destroy you, and that retains the capacity to destroy you.

Israel has no alternative but to give war a chance—to use sufficient force to break the back of Iran’s capability, which includes breaking the backs of Hamas and Hezbollah. Destroying them remains a work in progress given the scale of the problem. The human cost in Gaza and Lebanon is real; however, this war must be waged if peace is ever to have a chance.

People want to believe that modern countries can achieve their military goals without civilian casualties. People think that modern militaries with exquisite targeting capabilities, like those demonstrated by the Israeli Defense Forces, can defeat their enemies through selective targeting, but frequently this isn’t true. When an adversary’s entire society has been indoctrinated and mobilized, selective targeting is insufficient—by definition. Also, selective targeting can’t spare civilians when an enemy has burrowed into the civilian infrastructure as Hamas and Hezbollah have—with civilian complicity.

The West has yet to come to grips with the fact that few of its adversaries share the West’s sensibilities. Nor does the West seem to recognize that adversaries will mold their methods to take advantage of Western sensibilities. Case in point, Hamas and Hezbollah are both more than willing to use civilians as human shields and, even more barbarously, they set up civilians to be killed in order to make Israel look bad.

During WWII, the Allies couldn’t bomb accurately enough to avoid civilian casualties. This inadvertently worked to the allies’ advantage because it necessitated total war that exhausted Germany and Japan to the point that both countries acceded to unconditional surrender. How ironic that in an era when we can target with precision and when we have come to revile total war as an option, we not only fail to exhaust our enemies, but our enemies resort to tactics and strategies that deliberately put their own populations at risk. They do so because they know that they can offset our targeting capabilities by using our sensibilities against us.

Hamas and Hezbollah have backed Israel into an unwinnable IO war by developing strategies that make it impossible for Israel to decisively crush them and extirpate them without also killing thousands of civilians. The slaughter of civilians is the doing of Hamas and Hezbollah. The only way out of this for Israel requires that Western leaders adjust their sensibilities to this fact.

Unfortunately, another reason Israel’s campaign against Hamas has been so fraught is because crushing Hamas is impossible to square with freeing the hostages. The only way Israel can get its hostages back is by letting Hamas cut a deal for a ceasefire. But Israel cutting a deal with Hamas is antithetical to Israel’s destruction of Hamas’s ability to function as a movement that will continue to pose a long-term threat to Israel’s security.

Many have speculated that Prime Minister Netanyahu is prolonging the war in Gaza out of political self-interest. Maybe. Or perhaps Bibi Netanyahu is smart enough to recognize that Hamas is toying with the Israeli population’s emotions over the hostages to preserve its ability to live to fight another day. Many critics argue that Israel should give in and agree to a ceasefire because nothing Israel does will alter Palestinians’ animosity or lead to Hamas’s dismantlement. True, the Israelis aren’t going to be able to kill the idea behind Hamas. But they can attrit the organization and degrade its capabilities until it can no longer function as a movement.

We must remember that given the fact that Israel’s enemies are committed to Israel’s eradication, there is no accommodation to be had. Israel is fighting to restore its security now and for the future. The fact that Hamas jumped the gun before Iran was ready to join in Israel’s destruction inadvertently provides Israel a unique opportunity to confront Iran now rather than wait until Iran is better armed and better prepared in the future. We can only hope that Trump will view this moment for the opportunity that it presents.

Israel’s current fight on behalf of its sovereignty has not only exposed the Biden Administration’s strategic incoherence, but also deeper flaws in how the U.S. thinks about our national security and the security of our allies.

The U.S. says Israel has the right to defend itself, but then proceeds to try to compel Israel to do things that aren’t good for Israel. What is even crazier is that the U.S. keeps trying to urge Israel to implement methods and tactics that didn’t work for us in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Americans keep scolding the Israelis regarding their use of force, chastising them for their failure to employ a counterinsurgency strategy, and berating them for not identifying a political solution to the Palestinian problem. The Administration began calling for de-escalation and a ceasefire long before Israel had achieved any military victories against Hamas, and the Administration wanted Israel to leave Rafah untouched despite its centrality to Hamas’s smuggling infrastructure, or the fact that it was where Yahya Sinwar was hiding.

The Administration has wanted to keep the conflict from escalating regionally but has striven to do this by holding Israel to account―and not Iran. Yet, Iran is who made this a regional war by attacking Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and from Iran itself.

The U.S. fails to appreciate that Hamas’s attack de-synched Iran’s strategic plans, thereby providing Israel with both the opportunity and the moral justification to thwart Iran’s long-term goal of annihilating it. The U.S. keeps pressuring Israel instead to stop short, which will only leave Iran and its hateful proxies confident that eventually they will destroy Israel because they will still possess the means to do so. This really makes no sense. But nor does it make sense given our own history with Iran.

Iran has murdered approximately 900 Americans and seized dozens of American hostages since 1979. Iranian proxies have attacked American troops in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan several hundred times, killed three U.S. service members, and injured scores more since October 7th, 2023. Iranian backed Houthis repeatedly attack commercial shipping and U.S. naval assets in the Red Sea with negligible consequences. The U.S. employs what can best be called a passive defense and only occasionally responds to attacks in Syria and Iraq, all of which adds up to a weak, never-ending game of tit-for-tat.

Adopting a Sovereignty Solution approach would handle these violations of U.S. sovereignty differently. It would also lead the U.S. to stop making Israel’s war more complicated than it needs to be. The U.S. should support the legitimacy of Israel’s response, respect its decisions, and let it fight. The U.S. should also warn Iran that the next time it attacks U.S. forces directly or by proxy, the U.S. will respond with devastating force. For instance, should the Houthis fire on a U.S.-flagged vessel again, the U.S. will regard this as the act of war that it is and respond with overwhelming might.

Critics of such an approach might contend that it is overly bellicose and risks overlooking complex global interdependencies. Or they might claim that non-state actors often operate beyond state controls. However, sovereignty and security are deeply intertwined. Each reinforces the other to sustain a country’s autonomy and stability. Non-state actors wouldn’t and couldn’t exist if governments were held to account, which they would be in a sovereignty rules world as outlined in The Sovereignty Solution.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration’s submissiveness has only invited contempt from our adversaries and enemies―and many allies too. Worse, submissiveness invites further aggression. Somehow, we have erroneously come to believe that the answer to transgressions of sovereignty resides in forever war, sanctions, and capitulation masquerading as diplomacy. But, if we don’t like war, we need to remember that the real antidote to long drawn-out conflict is to accept the need for short, sharp, definitive military action when sovereignty is violated.

Ideally, President-elect Trump won’t just see the use of force this way but will prove to be the right leader at the right time to break with increasingly outdated dysfunctional post WWII conventions about the use of force. Ideally, he will implement a national security framework that approaches conflicts and security threats around the world with greater common sense, to include Iran’s threat to Israel.

J.B. Books is an experienced expert in the region and on military matters.

Check out the Book titled “The Sovereignty Solution.”

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.
https://www.wnd.com/2024/12/one-of-trumps-problems-fixing-bidens-submissiveness-on-world-stage/feed/ 0
Muslim no-go zones in Europe are increasing https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/muslim-no-go-zones-in-europe-are-increasing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=muslim-no-go-zones-in-europe-are-increasing https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/muslim-no-go-zones-in-europe-are-increasing/#respond Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:13:14 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5286040 Tolerance of immigrants' culture 'is being stretched to an absurd point']]>

Years ago, the television program “Unsolved Mysteries” presented an odd story that defied belief. It was about a man in America living alone in his own home, surrounded by acres of land in the countryside. Soon after he welcomed a couple into the home, he gradually became more and more isolated within his home while continuing to live there. For some unknown reason, the couple controlled what areas in his own house he could access, or not, even surrendering his master bedroom to them as he moved into the basement. The couple eventually disappeared, and the owner was found dead. But we will never know why someone who had all the rights to move freely about his own home was willing to accept “no-go” areas within it where he was restricted by other residents from going.

While this homeowner may have been someone who was mentally challenged or easily manipulated, something very similar to this is happening across Europe today. Citizens born in European nations, having the right to travel wherever they wish within their own country absent government restrictions, are being illegally banned by Muslim residents from exercising that right. These Muslims have established “no-go zones” where non-Muslims are denied entry. Fearing attacks, even local police will not venture into these zones where, as a result, Shariah law then becomes the law of the land.

A no-go zone is simply an area where its residents are of a sufficient number to exercise control over it and prevent any outsiders from entry. As democratic nations have paid little attention to the establishment of such zones, particularly in Europe, hundreds of Muslim zones have been established there. In fact, the Migration Research Institute in Budapest has estimated there are at least 900 such uncontrolled zones throughout Europe.

German Police Union Chairman Rainer Wendt reports, “There are neighborhoods where colleagues can barely stop a car (as) they will be surrounded by 40 or 50 men.” He added, “We are facing a challenge that is unprecedented in post-war history” – one for which the risk of collapse is “very real” as police are losing control of the situation.

Wendt warns, “Radical Islamists are questioning the power on our streets. If no action is taken, Shariah law will prevail instead of the constitution. It is time to return to the fundamental values of our societies. Otherwise, the country will collapse and the law of the strongest will prevail.”

Yet, at a time this threat is growing in Europe and Muslims exercise less tolerance of non-Muslims, non-Muslims are being repressed from criticizing Muslims demonstrating such aggression. Ridiculously, reasonable comments about what is evolving among these Muslim communities are being investigated by police as “hate speech” despite undermining free speech.

Western tolerance of Muslim cultures establishing themselves within Western nations, to the detriment of host-nation residents, is being stretched to an absurd point. By virtue of increasing numbers, these cultures are allowed to become legally intolerant of the tolerant hosts who invited them in. In doing so, Europe is witnessing and participating in a process by which an increasing Muslim populations, compared to a stagnant native European one, will result in a situation in which the body of the host nation gradually transitions into the body of the Muslim invitee.

European tolerance for further welcoming all that is Islamic despite not being healthy for the West is the appearance of financial services companies now promoting Shariah-compliant finance-opportunity ads with problematic links to Islamist extremists. Pushing for Shariah-financing only creates another divisive route by which Muslim influence gets its nose under the financial tent in dictating its own rules of the road concerning investments. The ads even depict the act of burning currency in a show of opposition to Western banking and promote as well the joining of a “money revolution” to oppose the charging of interest.

When Europe’s no-go zones first became a topic of discussion several years ago in the U.S., such talk was dismissed by liberals as simply manifesting false conservative conspiracy claims. While to date the U.S. appears to have avoided the establishment of such active zones, liberals need to take a much closer look at what is now plaguing Europe. Nations there are silently surrendering chunks of their territory to Muslim communities allowed to establish no-go zones with no fear of doing so. It will not take long for the idea to take root in the U.S. as well.

For centuries, the term “the sick man of Europe” has been a label applied by others on that continent to identify a major member in decline, whether due to experiencing economic hardship, social unrest, or impoverishment. Today, as no-go zones are allowed to pop up across Europe, the continent seems unable to collectively diagnose it is a sick man.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/muslim-no-go-zones-in-europe-are-increasing/feed/ 0
My enlightening Trump victory party on a London street https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/my-enlightening-trump-victory-party-on-a-london-street/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-enlightening-trump-victory-party-on-a-london-street https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/my-enlightening-trump-victory-party-on-a-london-street/#respond Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:09:59 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5283330 'I bought a Cuban cigar and small bottle of bourbon ... and then I sat on a bench']]>

We just had to get out of town. In 2016, my wife and I did not know what to expect from the election, so we flew to London the day after polls closed to escape. In 2020, COVID stopped us from leaving town – but in 2024, we got out of town again, flying to London just like in 2016.

So there we were standing at Oxford Street at 10 a.m. London time right after the election in the U.S. The air was cold and crisp, my overcoat buttoned up to the neck. Large, light snowflakes like white feathers were floating to earth. My wife and her sister had red cheeks and could see their breaths. Donald Trump was the president-elect of the United States … again. Oh my.

So just like in 2016, I bought a Cuban cigar and small bottle of bourbon in the basement of Selfridges as the girls shopped in the store, and then I sat on a bench on Oxford Street drinking my bourbon and smoking my cigar as thousands (literally thousands) of Londoners and tourists walked by me.

After talking with a couple hundred tourists and Londoners, these are a few of their comments and my assessments:

Dino, a young professional father/husband from Italy was ecstatic about Trump winning. Italy is suffering from illegal immigrants from Africa and from a super low birthrate like in the United States. The oligarchs want more immigrants to offset the low birthrate, while the average Italians are suffering from the huge influx of illegal aliens – so Dino hopes that the MAGA movement will help Italy like it is helping in America.

Daniel, a 35-year-old commodities trader from Scotland was bullish about how the stock market would increase because of Trump.

Paul and Mary, retirees from Boston, were depressed about how Trump would stop the woke direction of the U.S.

Alex, a young man from Latvia working in London, thought that the war in Ukraine would come to a quick end because 70% of Ukrainians want to be part of Russia. He believes that Trump is not going to take any crap from President Zelensky, especially since Ukraine did not investigate the Biden interests with Burisma.

Steve and Pam from Milwaukee sat down and celebrated with me. Too much fun. We cheered Trump like ugly Americans. Steve and Pam knew that Trump would win Wisconsin (a battleground state) since last summer when the Republican convention was in Milwaukee and Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate – two more strategic decisions by Trump that proved successful.

Tokashi, a 30- to 40-year-old tall, handsome professional man from Tokyo, said that all of Japan was overjoyed about Trump because he was the only world leader who was tough on China, and China is the No. 1 economic enemy to Japan. Japan loves Trump.

Allen, a middle-age worker of London, said that the Trump voters were much like the BREXIT voters in the U.K. – workers, not globalists and not politicians. Trump represents the U.S. version of BREXIT – the America First movement like the U.K. First BREXIT movement.

Danny, another middle-age worker of London, informed me that all of Britain knew that Trump would be elected when he rose from the ground with his fist in the air after being shot and then shouted to the crowd to “fight, fight, fight!” Trump is what men and women all over the world want in a leader. Protection. Security. Fearlessness. A leader who listens and understands them. A man’s man. Danny called Trump the messiah, a man on a mission to save America and hopefully save the world also.

Susan, an older visiting social studies teacher from Malaysia, single and childless, was terror-stricken that Trump would stop the progressive global movement for a more woke, DEI-dominated One World Order, and that this loss by Harris would set women’s progress back all around the world.

Abraham, a tall, thin, dark-skinned, smiling visitor from Morocco, was overjoyed about Trump as he explained that everyone in Morocco was joyous because of how Trump supported their sovereign rights concerning the Sahara Desert, whereas Biden/Harris canceled that support. States’ rights.

Amanda from Virginia, single, childless and a public school educator, showed how Trump derangement syndrome is affecting government employees as she threw out obscenities about the president-elect and expressed how she feared that Trump was planning to cut government spending and government employees (public school teachers are government employees).

And Bruce and Sue of London spoke for middle-class working Brits as they explained that Kamala Harris lacked the experience and the smarts to be president while Trump exhibited that he had superior executive skills and intelligence compared to Harris. They watched the debate and many of the interviews of each candidate, and then questioned how Harris could be the Democrats’ nominee without winning any state primary elections.

Those are just a few reactions out of the couple hundred people who shared their thoughts with me. From those conversations and from watching how BBC and SkyNews were covering the aftermath of the election, it’s clear that the world outside the U.S. is much like the world inside the U.S., in that the media and the people are disconnected from each other.

The foreign media can see nothing good about Trump’s win, while average working people from all over the world are rejoicing and optimistic. Those working middle-class people with families are happy, while single professional women, the “childless cat ladies,” and the elites are fit to be tied.

Can President Trump unite Americans with so many disparate views? Can the world unite with so many mutually exclusive objectives? Probably not. That is the definition of mutually exclusive. Only one outcome can occur, and there is no middle ground, no compromise.

But that is the beauty of the democratic process. Those who win get to implement their policies. A majority of American voters selected Trump to do that, so the whole world is watching Trump and the MAGA movement to see if they will make good on their promises.

Yes, the whole world is watching to see if Trump will be a “messiah” who stops all the globalist madness and wars.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/my-enlightening-trump-victory-party-on-a-london-street/feed/ 0
Fossil fuels a ‘gift of God,’ announces host of latest U.N. ‘green’ event https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/fossil-fuels-a-gift-of-god-announces-host-of-latest-u-n-green-event/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fossil-fuels-a-gift-of-god-announces-host-of-latest-u-n-green-event https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/fossil-fuels-a-gift-of-god-announces-host-of-latest-u-n-green-event/#respond Thu, 14 Nov 2024 17:20:04 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5283209 'A habit to lecture other countries and political hypocrisy became a kind of modus operandi for some politicians, fake news media']]>

The president of Azerbaijan, host country of this year’s U.N. climate change conference, defended fossil fuels while slamming the media and climate “hypocrisy” in a Tuesday speech at the event.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev described fossil fuels as a “gift of God,” slammed the “Western fake news” media for criticizing his country’s emissions and stated that countries like his “should not be blamed” for developing their reserves of natural resources and bringing them to the market. The U.N. conference — also known as COP29 — has attracted tens of thousands of attendees to the Azerbaijani capital Baku to discuss initiatives like so-called “climate finance” for developing countries, standards for carbon credit markets and emissions reduction commitments.

Aliyev rattled off statistics about Azerbaijan’s relatively small contributions to global oil and gas production before criticizing the media, politicians and nonprofits for maligning his country for capitalizing on its natural resources.

“I have to bring these figures to the attention of our audience, because right after Azerbaijan was elected as the host country of COP29, we became a target of a coordinated, well-orchestrated campaign of slander and blackmail,” said Aliyev. “Western fake news media and so-called independent NGOs, as if were competing in spreading disinformation and false information about our country. To accuse us that we have oil is the same like to accuse us that we have more than 250 sunny days a year in Baku.”

Aliyev emphasized his view that there are many criteria by which to judge a country, but a nation’s resources and their sale are not one of them.

“I said it several months ago, and now all those who want, I mean international media, to attack me, just quote me that I said that this is a gift of God. And I want to repeat it today here at this audience, it’s a gift of God,” Aliyev said. “Every natural resource, whether it’s oil, gas, wind, sun, gold, silver, copper, all that are natural resources and countries should not be blamed for having them and should not be blamed for bringing these resources to the market because the market needs them.”

Aliyev attacked those who have criticized his country as a petro-state, though Azerbaijan’s economy is “anchored” by oil and gas, which accounted for nearly half of the nation’s GDP and 92.5% of export revenue in 2022, according to the U.S. International Trade Administration.

“Unfortunately, double standards, a habit to lecture other countries and political hypocrisy became a kind of modus operandi for some politicians, state-controlled NGOs and fake news media in some Western countries,” said Aliyev.

COP29 kicked off on Monday, and the Taliban even managed to send a delegation to the conference. The Biden administration, meanwhile, is still looking to be productive at the summit despite the looming return of President-elect Donald Trump, who has pledged to roll back climate initiatives and spending as well as withdraw from the U.N.’s Paris Climate Accords, according to The New York Times.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/fossil-fuels-a-gift-of-god-announces-host-of-latest-u-n-green-event/feed/ 0
The case for mass deportations https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/the-case-for-mass-deportations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-case-for-mass-deportations https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/the-case-for-mass-deportations/#respond Wed, 13 Nov 2024 23:40:16 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5283157 'It will have a powerful deterrent effect on people in foreign nations considering illegal entry']]>

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to “launch the largest deportation of criminals in American history.” That is a quote from a Nov. 2 rally in Salem, Virginia, but Trump has said precisely the same thing dozens of times. Still, through the course of a long campaign, with his improvisational style, Trump has occasionally worded his pledge differently. For example, at his Madison Square Garden rally, Trump said, “On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out.” Back on May 24, at his rally in the South Bronx, Trump pledged to “immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country’s history.” So variations in wording aside, when Trump talks about mass deportation, he is talking about the mass deportation of criminals.

It’s hard to imagine opposing Trump’s proposal. Who would want to help murderers and drug dealers who entered the country illegally remain in the United States? Yet we have seen much talk that Trump deportation plans go far, far beyond criminals and will ultimately lead to 10, 15 or perhaps even 20 million people being removed from the country. Part of this is media hysteria. But part of it comes from loose talk by Trump and his advisers.

But the Trump plan has been visible in plain sight for quite a while. First, the new administration will seek to quickly deport those illegal immigrants who are deemed national security threats. At the same time, it will pursue illegal immigrants with criminal records, either in the United States or some other country. And all the while it will assign priority to the illegal migrants whose cases have already been adjudicated and ordered removed.

“You concentrate on the public safety threats and the national security threats first because those are the worst of the worst,” Tom Homan, recently named as Trump’s “border czar,” said over the weekend on Fox News. “So it’s going to be the worst first. That’s how it has to be done. We know a record number of people on the terrorist watch list have crossed this border. We know a record number of terrorists have been released in this country. We have already arrested some [who were] planning attacks. So look, the president is dead-on when he said criminal threats, national security threats are going to be prioritized. And that’s the way it’s going to be.”

There is a clear guide for doing this. Last year, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement reported that as of Sept. 30, 2023, there were 1,292,830 people in the United States illegally who have had full legal due process and have received a final deportation order from an immigration judge. In the ensuing year, there are estimates that number has grown to somewhere between 1.35 million and 1.6 million.

The vast majority of those people are not in detention. But they have had final orders of deportation, so they are subject to removal at any time. It’s just that the Biden administration has not removed them.

Would Trump deportations go beyond that group of 1.35 million to 1.6 million already ordered removed? Remember that many more millions crossed illegally into the United States during the Biden years. What to do with them? The vast majority do not have valid claims of asylum or any legal right to remain in the United States.

In an ironic twist, it is possible that the second Trump administration will rely on a document known as the Mayorkas Memorandum to decide those cases. On Sept. 30, 2021, as the border incursion was moving into high gear, Biden Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas sent the administration’s top immigration officials a set of guidelines for enforcing immigration law. In the memo, Mayorkas laid out rules for deporting illegal immigrants.

“We will prioritize for apprehension and removal noncitizens who are a threat to our national security, public safety, and border security,” Mayorkas wrote. The first group was terrorists and spies. The second was criminals. And then there was the third group, the threats to border security. “A noncitizen who poses a threat to border security is a priority for apprehension and removal,” Mayorkas wrote. “A noncitizen is a threat to border security if (a) they are apprehended at the border or port of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States; or (b) they are apprehended in the United States after unlawfully entering after November 1, 2020.”

If Trump were to apply the Nov. 1, 2020, standard – the Mayorkas standard – to removals, deporting those who had most recently crossed illegally into the U.S., he would have a basis to reverse a significant part of the Biden border rush.

If Trump actually does any of this – that is, if he increases deportations with an emphasis on national security threats, criminal and recent entrants – it will have a powerful deterrent effect on people in foreign nations considering illegal entry into the United States. It will also likely motivate recent illegal arrivals into the U.S., the ones with the fewest connections to this country, to leave on their own.

Trump’s actions, if he takes them, could certainly be characterized as “mass deportations,” since they would involve the removal of perhaps 1 million people. It would certainly be “the largest deportation of criminals in American history.” On one hand, it would not please the Trump supporters who want to deport every single person in the United States illegally; after all, every illegal border crosser has violated U.S. law by unlawfully entering the country. On the other hand, prioritized deportations would be a significant restoration of the rule of law as it applies to the U.S. border, and that would be a very good thing.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/the-case-for-mass-deportations/feed/ 0
Globalist U.N. nervously waiting for Trump’s return https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/globalist-u-n-nervously-waiting-for-trumps-return/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=globalist-u-n-nervously-waiting-for-trumps-return https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/globalist-u-n-nervously-waiting-for-trumps-return/#respond Sat, 09 Nov 2024 18:38:11 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5279962 Security Council’s biggest concern is incoming funding cuts]]>

A new report has detailed how the Globalist-led United Nations has been preparing itself for the eventual return of President-elect Donald Trump to the White House in January, 2025.

According to Reuters, an anonymous senior Asian diplomat told the news outlet there has been some “trepidation” within the 193-member international organization, founded in 1945 in the wake of World War II.

“There is also some hope that a transactional administration will engage the U.N. on some areas even if it were to defund some dossiers. After all, what bigger and better global stage is there than the United Nations?” the anonymous source told Reuters.

The report goes on to note an absence of the U.S. from the U.N. could pave the way for China to have even more influence in global politics. Another top concern is funding may be dramatically cut once Trump takes office again.

In 2018, during Trump’s first term, his administration choked off over $25 million in funding to the U.N, including more than $7 million to cover costs for the U.N. Human Right Council.

U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in a statement Wednesday he was ready to work with the incoming administration, and congratulated Trump on his win, according to Barron’s.

“Cooperation between the United States and the United Nations is an essential pillar of international relations. … The United Nations stands ready to work constructively with the incoming administration to address the dramatic challenges our world is facing,” Guterres said.

According to Fox News, American taxpayers pay at least one-third of the U.N.’s yearly budget, increasing under President Joe Biden from $11.6 billion in 2020, to $18.1 billion in 2022. The U.S. pays three times as much as Germany, who pays around $6.8 billion a year, while Japan contributes $2.7 billion.

Hugh Dugan, a member of the U.S. delegation to the U.N., told Fox News the U.N. will have to undergo a recalibration, because they haven’t had to be as concerned about accountability during the Biden administration years. Adding to the U.N.’s worries is Trump’s veto power over its next secretary general candidate, with the election being held in 2026.

“They will have to recalibrate now very much again in the Trump administration that will, I believe, be much more attentive, engaged and monitoring of the U.N. … There are teams there that have been sleepwalking the last few years without U.S. pressure on accountability, efficiency and effectiveness,” Dugan said.

Further to that, other Globalist organizations and figureheads, like World Economic Forum’s Yuval Harari, have voiced concerns over a Trump victory. Harari said during an interview with the Global Economic Forum a day before the 2024 presidential election, that a win for Trump would be a “death blow” to the new global order.

“If it happens, it is likely to be the kind of… death blow, to what remains of the global order,” Harari said, adding Trump has often openly said he wants nationalism over globalism.

“Many of these politicians; they present a false dichotomy, a false binary vision of the world, as if you have to choose between patriotism and globalism, between being loyal to your nation, and being loyal to some kind of, I don’t know, global government.”

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, allied capitals are concerned after Trump made it clear he would not be providing any protection to any delinquent members of NATO.

Because European members have done little to expand their own defense, they are highly dependent on American taxpayer dollars for protection. Bruno Tertrais, deputy director of the Foundation for Strategic Research, a think tank for the French government, told WSJ NATO could end up paralyzed without Trump.

“If this is not the jolt that Europe needed to get its act together, I don’t know what could be one. Absent U.S. leadership, NATO could be paralyzed,” Tertrais said.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/globalist-u-n-nervously-waiting-for-trumps-return/feed/ 0
Azerbaijan is utterly unfit to host U.N. conference https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/azerbaijan-is-utterly-unfit-to-host-u-n-conference/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=azerbaijan-is-utterly-unfit-to-host-u-n-conference https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/azerbaijan-is-utterly-unfit-to-host-u-n-conference/#respond Thu, 07 Nov 2024 23:55:07 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5279760 'That an outright terrorist country could host any summit indicates how low the international community has stooped']]>

Hard to believe but true:

A greenhouse-gas-spewing, polluting, corrupt, repressive, genocidal, international-terrorism-supporting regime is hosting the U.N.’s annual Climate Change/Global Warming (CCGW) conference in mid-November.

The regime’s head is President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s blood-soaked despot.

About 32,000 persons and perhaps 150 countries will reportedly attend the 12-day event, dubbed COP29. COP refers to the U.N.’s Conference of the Parties for climate change.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken – a huge CCGW booster – has, naturally, hopped on the COP29 bandwagon.

“We strongly support” Aliyev’s “leadership of COP29,” declared Blinken (with a straight face).

President Biden’s climate change envoy and ex-envoy – href=”https://www.judicialwatch.org/john-podesta/”>John Podesta and John Kerry – will be jetting off to the conference, undoubtedly to sing the corrupt Aliyev’s praises.

They’re among the numerous climate-change devotees who’ve undermined CCGW’s credibility by not condemning the bloody autocracy’s hosting COP29.

Similarly, few climate-change critics have rebuked COP29’s host. They’ve squandered a golden opportunity to embarrass the CCGW movement.

Fossil fuels constitute about 90% of Azerbaijan’s exports and 60% of its budget.

Frankly, Azerbaijan’s CCGW record stinks, literally too.

Spewing greenhouse gases

Azerbaijan, says Climate Action Tracker, “is among a tiny group of countries that has actually weakened its climate target.”

Its greenhouse gases “are projected to continue rising by around 20%.” The country’s going “backward instead of forward.”

Moreover, Azerbaijan’s “renewable energy targets remain weak.”

And Baku, with Turkey’s help, has been violating EU sanctions by selling Russian fossil fuels to the West.

Gas flaring at Azerbaijan’s Sangachal oil/gas terminal has triggered breathing and other severe health problems, even in faraway residents.

Not surprisingly, Azerbaijan’s made a mess of its environment.

Spewing pollutants and cracking heads

Notes the CIA: The “Apsheron Peninsula (including Baku) and the Caspian Sea” are the “ecologically most devastated area in the world … severe air, soil, and water pollution,” oil spills and “untreated municipal and industrial wastewater.”

Aliyev’s daughters’ offshore companies own major shares in Azerbaijan’s gold mines.

Police have beaten and arrested Azeris protesting the mines’ byproducts: cyanide and other toxic waste.

Already notorious for suppressing media and imprisoning dissidents, Aliyev’s been cracking down ahead of COP29.

It’s “embarrassing,” states Human Rights Watch, that a “rights-abusing petro-autocracy” is hosting a COP.

Baku’s “repression of activists, journalists and opposition leaders, at home and abroad,” said the EU Parliament in October, is “incompatible” with COP29.

Furthermore, “Europe’s gas dependency on Azerbaijan must end” and “Azerbaijan must withdraw [its] troops from Armenia.”

In October, 58 members of Congress urged Secretary Blinken to press Aliyev to release “all political prisoners” and Armenian “hostages and POWs” ahead of COP29.

The Norway-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative suspended Azerbaijan seven years ago because its environmentalists couldn’t honestly voice their concerns. “Democracy and human rights are simply foreign to” Aliyev’s regime.

The Council of Europe Parliament has expelled Azerbaijan’s members over Baku’s lack of “free and fair elections” and its blockade and ethnic cleansing of 120,000 Armenians from their ancient homeland of Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh.

Flaunting its environmental irresponsibility and genocidal intent, Azerbaijan has threatened to bomb Armenia’s Metsamor nuclear power plant and launch a nuclear attack on its capital.

Aliyev’s defense ministry once declared that Armenians are a “nuisance [who have] no right to live in this region.”

Laundering Azerbaijan’s image

Aliyev is employing COP29 as a vehicle to “greenwash” its decidedly non-green record.

His government has been trying to clean up its dirty image in other ways too, through:

Songwashing (celebrity performers), Sportswashing (EuroCup soccer), Carwashing (Formula 1 racing), Clotheswashing (Fashion Week) and Brainwashing.”

Aliyev has even dragged in the Vatican and His Holiness to sanitize the country’s image.

Then there’s the Azerbaijani Laundromat.

It shelled out billions in payoffs and bribes to European politicians and institutions.

Among the ethically challenged Americans lured by Azerbaijani goodies:

Meanwhile, Aliyev’s family and cronies are raking in COP29 contracts.

And fake Azeri “social media accounts” are working overtime to “drown out criticism” before COP29.

That many individuals and climate-change organizations have criticized Azerbaijan’s hosting COP29 on both CCGW and human-rights grounds must be acknowledged.

Luis Moreno Ocampo is the International Criminal Court’s first prosecutor. He’s called on Azerbaijan to release over 100 Armenian hostages before COP29. The latter are being mistreated and tortured.

Ocampo has also called the Aliyev regime’s 2022-2023 blockade of Artsakh’s Armenians “genocide.”

We must mention Baku’s long-running support of international terrorists.

Even the U.S., allegedly engaged in a global war on terrorism, has barely remarked on Azeri terrorism.

That an outright terrorist country could host any summit indicates how low the international community has stooped.

Those who have supported Azerbaijan as this year’s COP venue may pose a greater threat to humanity than does CCGW.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/azerbaijan-is-utterly-unfit-to-host-u-n-conference/feed/ 0
Intentional misdirection: House GOP report on Biden-Harris reveals open borders alliance with U.N. https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/intentional-misdirection-house-gop-report-on-biden-harris-reveals-open-borders-alliance-with-u-n/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=intentional-misdirection-house-gop-report-on-biden-harris-reveals-open-borders-alliance-with-u-n https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/intentional-misdirection-house-gop-report-on-biden-harris-reveals-open-borders-alliance-with-u-n/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2024 21:10:47 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5278057 Millions in U.S. tax dollars spent facilitating illegal alien resettlements]]>

Joe Biden walks with Kamala Harris along the West Colonnade of the White House, Friday, May 26, 2023, to the Oval Office. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

The House Judiciary Committee’s GOP members are sounding the alarm on Vice President Kamala Harris in a new report released Friday that details how Harris funneled millions in taxpayer dollars to the United Nations to support their open-border initiatives.

The 12-page report, titled “Inside the Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-borders Alliance with United Nations Bureaucrats” – shows how there have been an estimated 5.8 million illegal aliens released into the U.S. since January 2021, with an additional 1.9 million illegal aliens deemed as “gotaways.”

“The images of mass illegal immigration and chaos at the southwest border became a political liability for President Biden and Vice President Harris. But rather than fix the actual problem of illegal immigration, the Biden-Harris administration engaged in misdirection – teaming up with open-borders bureaucrats at the United Nations to allow aliens to bypass the southwest border altogether,” the report states in its executive summary.

The report goes on to note the State Department announced the Safe Mobility Initiative in June 2023, a plan to allow illegal aliens to “sidestep” the southern border. It was implemented under the direction of the Biden-Harris administration.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reportedly said the initiative would let migrants “avoid the risks associated with onward movement,” meaning undocumented migrants were swiftly moved from the southern border and into the interior of the U.S. to avoid the “damaging optics at the border.”

The initiative further enables aliens outside of the U.S. to consult with foreign nationals working for the UNHCR, and the International Organization for Migration. These organizations facilitate illegal migrants to resettle in the U.S. through various means, including labor pathways and family reunification.

According to the report, the Safe Mobility Offices are located throughout Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Ecuador and are all paid for with taxpayer money. The committee estimates under the Biden-Harris administration, more than 18,000 aliens from Central and South America have resettled in the U.S. through the initiative.

Another 67,000 aliens have been referred to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for potential resettlement, while another 7,000 aliens have been identified as potentially eligible to enter through other means.

Additionally, the committee further found only 14% of IOM employees were U.S. citizens – clearly showing the Biden-Harris administration used U.S. taxpayer money to pay foreign nationals to facilitate illegal migration into the U.S.

Approximately $67.1 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars was spent by the UNHCR to fund the SMOs, with the IOM spending another $14.6 million in taxpayer funds for the initiative, equating to over $80 million in total.

The committee stated in the report it will continue conducting aggressive oversight of the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/11/intentional-misdirection-house-gop-report-on-biden-harris-reveals-open-borders-alliance-with-u-n/feed/ 0
‘Circle of horror’: Israel outlaws infamous U.N. agency from country, international community loses its mind https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/circle-of-horror-israel-outlaws-infamous-u-n-agency-from-country-international-community-loses-its-mind/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=circle-of-horror-israel-outlaws-infamous-u-n-agency-from-country-international-community-loses-its-mind https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/circle-of-horror-israel-outlaws-infamous-u-n-agency-from-country-international-community-loses-its-mind/#respond Tue, 29 Oct 2024 13:29:54 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5276825 'UNRWA long ago ceased to be a humanitarian aid agency, but in addition to it being an integral supporter of terror and hate, is an agency to eternalize poverty and suffering']]>


JERUSALEM – The Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, took the extraordinary step in a Monday night vote to approve two bills effectively barring the United Nations agency for eternal Palestinian refugees – including generations of descendants – from functioning in Israel, as well as acutely shrinking its role in Judea and Samaria, and Gaza.

At the opening session of the Knesset’s winter term, Israel’s lawmakers voted unanimously to severely curtail the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East’s (UNRWA) ability to function effectively. MKs voted 92 to 10 to approve a law barring UNRWA from operating in Israeli territory, and 87-9 in favor of another measure curtailing UNRWA’s activities in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria, by making it illegal for state actors to have any contact with the agency.

Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman MK Yuli Edelstein presented both bills in the plenum, and on their conclusion took to X to announce gleefully, “UNRWA is out!”

“UNRWA long ago ceased to be a humanitarian aid agency, but in addition to it being an integral supporter of terror and hate, is an agency to eternalize poverty and suffering,” he wrote.

“The rationale is simple – in order to survive, UNRWA created demand for the product it provides. The circle of horror ended today, they are out!”

The second bill, which passed by an even more emphatic margin – 87 votes for and only nine against – stated that the treaty signed between Israel and UNRWA following the Six Day War in 1967 would expire within seven days of the bill passing its final voting in the Knesset plenum. It added, no Israeli government agencies or representatives may contact UNRWA or a representative of it, beginning three months after the bill passes; that criminal proceedings into UNRWA employees’ involvement in acts of terror will continue; and that Israel’s National Security Council must report to the committee every six months regarding the bill’s implementation.

These votes are the culmination of the decades of animus between Israel and UNRWA. The Jewish state has had significant issues with the only U.N. relief organization devoted entirely to one group of people for years, but matters really came to a head on Oct. 7, 2023.

There is significant documentary evidence, including footage, supplied by the Israeli government, the IDF, and non-governmental actors such as UN Watch, which highlighted the indivisibility of UNRWA from Hamas (and other Islamist terrorist organizations particularly operating out of the Gaza Strip), and their direct role in the atrocities committed on that black Sabbath. UNRWA even begrudgingly admitted its own employees’ involvement in the massacres, and yet still expected Israel to just accept its presence.

The reactions to the votes were predictable, with many individuals and organizations on the so-called humanitarian left – who had little or nothing to say about the Hamas-inspired bloodletting on Oct. 7 – even at times glorifying and defending it – calling for Israel’s ouster from the United Nations. UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini, called the Knesset’s move “unprecedented.”

The Biden administration was deeply grieved by the results of the vote, blasting the legislation and arguing it augured “catastrophe” for the Palestinians. Their argument might have been bolstered if they had not been proved wrong about almost everything they have thought and said over the last year or so. The U.S. administration tried to strong-arm Israel earlier in the month to provide additional aid to Gaza – even though there is strong evidence Hamas operatives are hoarding most of it – threatening a reduction in U.S. security assistance if this was not done.

Following the vote, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said earlier Monday that the Knesset’s passage of the bill “could have implications under U.S. law.”

“If UNRWA goes away, you will see civilians – including children, including babies – not be able to get access to food and water and medicine that they need to live. We find that unacceptable,” he added.

While he was in the White House, President Donald Trump was persuaded of how nefarious an organization UNRWA was, and in 2018 he ordered a complete cut in the organization’s funding. It seems it has not learned its lesson, because as soon as the funding spigot was turned on again under Biden, it has allowed its premises – schools and summer camps to name but two – to become hotbeds of terrorist indoctrination – with a direct causal link to the events of Oct. 7.

Israeli academic and former MK Einat Wilf, who grew up on the Left and was a former Labor lawmaker, and who has fought for some two decades to explain to both the wider world and Israelis about the ills of UNRWA took to social media to reinforce her opinion. Broadly, her assessment is that far from helping the Palestinians, UNRWA permanently infantilizes them by holding out a forlorn hope not based in any kind of reality.

“Since I already have mountains of books, essays, lectures, long and short videos, posts and tweets on UNRWA, I’ll keep it simple now,” she posted on LinkedIn.

“UNRWA is about as essential as the arsonist who masquerades as a firefighter. Get rid of the arsonist and you won’t need the false firefighter.”

There is clearly some jeopardy attached to the Knesset’s decision, not least because it did not stipulate – and nor does it seem it was meant to – make a suggestion for what might replace UNRWA with regard to the disbursement of aid, most obviously in the Gaza Strip. Members of Israel’s defense establishment reportedly informed the political class against passing the legislation, precisely because of the difficulty of finding an organization to substitute for UNRWA in the middle of a war.

Israel’s lawmakers – including members of the official opposition, although the bills emanated from Netanyahu’s Likud party – were aware of both the potential humanitarian risk and the likely international backlash against the vote.

However, it seems they felt the concerns of the domestic audience, which has witnessed the development of a symbiotic relationship between Hamas and UNRWA – to the point where it is not clear where one ends and the other begins – and culminating in the use of U.N. vehicles to transport murdered Israelis back to Gaza – won out in the end.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/circle-of-horror-israel-outlaws-infamous-u-n-agency-from-country-international-community-loses-its-mind/feed/ 0
WATCH Farah on Fire: Shadows of influence: Kamala’s impact on U.S. security and the Middle East https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/watch-farah-on-fire-shadows-of-influence-kamalas-impact-on-u-s-security-and-the-middle-east/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=watch-farah-on-fire-shadows-of-influence-kamalas-impact-on-u-s-security-and-the-middle-east https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/watch-farah-on-fire-shadows-of-influence-kamalas-impact-on-u-s-security-and-the-middle-east/#respond Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:33:54 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5275175 A Harris administration would align with globalist interests, continuing policies that could empower hostile regimes such as Iran and terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah]]>

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https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/watch-farah-on-fire-shadows-of-influence-kamalas-impact-on-u-s-security-and-the-middle-east/feed/ 0
‘Under major siege’: Dethroning the U.S. dollar of paramount concern as Russia kicks off BRICS Summit https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/under-major-siege-dethroning-the-u-s-dollar-of-paramount-concern-as-russia-kicks-off-brics-summit/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=under-major-siege-dethroning-the-u-s-dollar-of-paramount-concern-as-russia-kicks-off-brics-summit https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/under-major-siege-dethroning-the-u-s-dollar-of-paramount-concern-as-russia-kicks-off-brics-summit/#respond Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:43:06 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5273420 Trump threatens to cut off countries who abandon American greenback if reelected]]>

(Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay)

While global tensions continue to escalate, Russia is hosting the BRICS Summit in Kazan Tuesday, where some of the world’s largest economies will be meeting to entrench a new global order, namely undoing the U.S. dollar.

BRICS is made up of several different nations, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt. According to Statista, combined BRICS nations make up over 45% of the world’s population and 35% of the global GDP.

Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful of the alliance is China, which accounts for almost two-thirds of the bloc’s exports and over half of the bloc’s 35% GDP. With the joining of oil-rich nations such as the United Arab Emirates and Iran, the bloc controls almost 30% of all global oil output.

The alliance between these nations has sent alarm bells off, as the U.S. dollar is threatened with losing its leading spot in global finance. The de-dollarization of the U.S. would lead to a shift in global power, largely affecting the U.S. and its financial markets, especially given the rising debt of the U.S. economy which is currently far outspending revenue.

According to a report from Fortune, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a scientific adviser at Mark Spitznagel’s Universa Investments and author of “The Black Swan,” a book about unpredictable events, there are grave concerns about the future of the U.S. dollar.

“So I’m really afraid of a progressive loss of the role of the dollar … People nominally conduct transactions in dollars, but they don’t store it in dollars, and that is what the problem is,” Taleb told Bloomberg TV.

Taleb noted he was worried about the actions of the Biden-Harris administration in 2022, which resulted in freezing Russian assets after Russia invaded Ukraine. Taleb called it a “confiscation,” and pointed out it will not boost confidence in investors.

“It may make sense from a justice standpoint, but you’ve got to remember, it’s not going to encourage people to invest in the system,” Taleb said.

Likewise, in June, E.J. Antoni, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget told the Daily Caller News Foundation the Biden-Harris administration’s move to freeze Russian-owned assets will not instill confidence that the U.S. is a safe investment.

“If the Biden administration were intentionally trying to destroy the dollar, I’m not sure what they’d do differently … His spendthrift agenda has resulted in the dollar losing one-fifth of its value in less than four years, and his international policies have done even more harm by eroding the dollar’s reserve currency status. By freezing and then eventually stealing dollars owned by foreigners, Biden sent a clear message to the world that the dollar is no longer a safe asset,” Antoni said.

Nevertheless, former President Donald Trump said during a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin in early September that – assuming he is re-elected president – the U.S. dollar will remain the world’s currency, promising to punish countries who go the route of de-dollarization.

“We will keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and it is currently under major siege, many countries are leaving the dollar. They’re not gonna leave the dollar with me. I’ll say, ‘You leave the dollar, you’re not doing business with the United States, because we’re gonna put 100% tariffs on your goods,'” Trump said.

Geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar said during an interview with New Rules Podcast that the process of complete de-dollarization could take decades to happen; however, alternative payment systems are very close right now.

“Alternative payment systems, we are closer than ever. Full de-dollarization, it’s a long process and if you talk to the best economists from BRICS countries they say this is a process that could last decades … Because it implies you have to build a post-Bretton Woods system. Can you imagine a system that lasted almost eight decades, then you have to start from scratch with an alternative system? So you have to convince not only governments inside BRICS, governments outside BRICS, and big companies of BRICS nations and outside BRICS as well,” Escobar said.

Escobar noted it would be an enormous task to convince multinational companies that BRICS can offer a better system, when the one they already use works for them.

“In terms of alternative payment systems, it is already very developed because the BRICS are already trading among themselves in their own national currencies, and this will expand to multilateral trade inside BRICS with national currencies, and expand to what we call BRICS Plus,” he said.

The dethroning of the U.S. dollar will come over time, rather than come to a dramatic sudden end, according to Escobar.

“Just look at the trade balance between Russia and China, it’s already bypassing the U.S. dollar in practice, and this is something that happened for the past two years or so. So it can be done,” Escobar said.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/under-major-siege-dethroning-the-u-s-dollar-of-paramount-concern-as-russia-kicks-off-brics-summit/feed/ 0
What a surprise: Israel finds huge Hezbollah weapons cache mere meters from a U.N. observation tower https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/what-a-surprise-israel-finds-huge-hezbollah-weapons-cache-mere-meters-from-a-u-n-observation-tower/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-a-surprise-israel-finds-huge-hezbollah-weapons-cache-mere-meters-from-a-u-n-observation-tower https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/what-a-surprise-israel-finds-huge-hezbollah-weapons-cache-mere-meters-from-a-u-n-observation-tower/#respond Mon, 14 Oct 2024 14:51:43 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5270287 Netanyahu urges global peacekeepers to evacuate combat zone, weapons stores found in civilian homes in Lebanon]]>

(Video screenshot)

JERUSALEM – The Israel Defense Forces, or IDF, released footage Sunday of a significant captured Hezbollah weapons cache. The other – perhaps more consequential factor – was not so much what was found, but rather where the Israeli soldiers found it, namely a few dozen meters from a United Nations International Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) outpost.

This weapons store is not the first the IDF has encountered since it began what was supposed to be a limited incursion into Lebanon, although at least two divisions have been added to its fighting strength since that time. The presence of Hezbollah weapons caches pockmarks much of southern Lebanon’s terrain; and much of it was successfully carried out under the watchful eye of the very peacekeepers who are supposed to be both disarming the Iranian proxy, and ensuring against their encroachment south of the Litani River.

At least according to the U.N. Resolution 1701 this was the plan. It is likely the sheer scale of the weapons found were meant to be used in an Oct. 7-style infiltration into Israel’s Galilee region, led by Hezbollah’s commando Radwan force, as per seized documents and equipment, which show this to have been in an advanced stage of planning. As in Gaza, significant weapons stores have been found in civilian homes.

It is impossible to escape the realization that under both the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza, and UNIFIL in Lebanon, genocidal jihadist Islamist organizations – both of which Iran trains and funds – have been able to arm themselves to the point where Hamas, in the case of Gaza could storm across Israel’s border, and Hezbollah in Lebanon has been able to fire missiles, rockets, and drones – the most recent of which killed four Israeli soldiers on Sunday – for more than a year. When is it permissible to ask what good are these U.N. bodies, which not only fail – seemingly deliberately – to fulfill their actual mandates, but facilitate the terrorism against which the IDF is fighting?

This has serious real-world consequences, not least because there is currently an extensive diplomatic dispute between Israel, the United Nations, and countries whose troops make up part of the UNIFIL mission.

In Israel, which considers it is fighting an existential war for its survival, there is a sense the UNIFIL soldiers have had it good for too long; they have turned a blind eye – and who knows, may even have profited from doing so – to Hezbollah’s flagrant contravention of the U.N. resolution they are supposed to uphold.

On Sunday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed directly to the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, requesting – rather than demanding as Irish president Michael Higgins suggested about the Irish contingent – that UNIFIL troops be moved away from “Hezbollah strongholds and the firing zone,” according to an official readout.

“The IDF has requested this repeatedly and has met with repeated refusal, which has the effect of providing Hezbollah terrorists with human shields. Your refusal to evacuate UNIFIL soldiers has turned them into hostages of Hezbollah. This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers,” he added.

UNIFIL has accused the IDF of deliberately hitting several posts, including the Naqoura HQ. At least five UNIFIL soldiers have been wounded in a spate of recent incidents that have also included shootings which the UN neither attributed to the IDF or Hezbollah, which reading between the lines, almost certainly means it was the Lebanese-based terrorists.

Netanyahu said Israel “regrets the injury” to the peacekeepers, and it is doing whatever it can to prevent such incidents.

“But the simple and obvious way to ensure this is just get them out of the danger zone,” the prime minister added. Indeed, according to the IDF, some 25 attacks against Israel have been launched from the vicinity of UNIFIL posts.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the deadly drone strike on an army base in Israel’s Binyamina region on Sunday, the Israeli Air Force has made it a top priority to eradicate Hezbollah’s 127 Unit, which is responsible for UAV production and operation. Earlier on Monday, the IAF eliminated the head of the Radwan anti-tank missile unit, Muhammad Kamal Naim, in the southern Lebanese area of Nabatieh.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/what-a-surprise-israel-finds-huge-hezbollah-weapons-cache-mere-meters-from-a-u-n-observation-tower/feed/ 0
God’s gift of discernment amid globalists’ deception https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/gods-gift-of-discernment-amid-globalists-deception/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gods-gift-of-discernment-amid-globalists-deception https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/gods-gift-of-discernment-amid-globalists-deception/#respond Fri, 11 Oct 2024 22:19:10 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5269822 'You may wonder how you can avoid being misled into their web of control']]>

Examples of life imitating art can be seen in the ways communication technology has developed over the last century. The two-way wrist radio (later wrist television) used in the “Dick Tracy” comic strips of the 1940s and 1960s inspired Martin Cooper’s invention of the hand-held mobile phone in 1973. The communicators used in the 1960s television series “Star Trek” have been credited with influencing further innovations in mobile communications that can be seen in modern flip phones and smartphones.

Featured in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” book trilogy, the palantíri, or “seeing stones,” were perfectly smooth, opaque spheres, slightly larger than a softball, used from secured locations by the kings of men in Middle-earth and their appointed stewards to communicate with each other over great distances and gather intelligence.

After a two-year siege, the Dark Lord Sauron captured a fortress belonging to the kingdom of Gondor and took possession of the palantír held there. In their pride, both the wizard Saruman and Denethor II, the Steward of Gondor, thought they had the strength of will to use the palantír in their possession to probe the mind of Sauron, discern his plans and formulate ways to defeat him.

But Sauron was able to use his palantír to plumb the recesses of the minds of both Saruman and Denethor and take advantage of them. In Saruman, he discovered a desire for rulership, so he was able over time to entice him to his service with promises of power. In Denethor, Sauron found a deep-seated fear of the destruction of Gondor and the end of the rule of the stewards, so he showed him selected images of his seemingly invincible military forces, eventually convincing him that mounting any defense of Gondor was useless.

Saruman was manipulated by Sauron with selected information into joining with him and betraying the free people of Middle-earth, and it led to his ignominious downfall. Denethor was led into despair, madness and suicide because Sauron persuaded him that Gondor stood alone facing certain defeat and concealed information showing that deliverance for Gondor was at hand.

Inspired by this story, billionaire American entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel co-founded Palantir Technologies Inc. in 2003, where he currently serves as its chairman. This technology firm, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, develops and implements artificial intelligence (AI) data mining and surveillance solutions for its customers.

Like the “seeing stones” in “The Lord of the Rings,” Palantir uses its considerable data-mining capabilities to peer into the lives of individuals to acquire as much granular data as possible and arrange it into a usable fashion for its federal agency clients of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), international and local governments, and private corporations.

The Bilderberg Conference is an invitation-only forum where very powerful elites from around the world, including political, industrial, finance, academic and technology leaders, meet annually to hold private, informal discussions to network with each other and build consensus regarding the direction they wish to take the world. Many believe those involved with this group seek to take the world into a global government where mass surveillance and profiling would be a key component for their unmitigated control over all people.

For many years, Thiel has been a frequent attendee of this conference, and his relationships with other affiliated global elites have aided in the development of Palantir into a tool allowing them to surveil and gather data from virtually every aspect of our lives. Through the mass media outlets they manage, they use that data to manipulate us with selective information or outright falsehoods into joining them in their war against humanity and God, or giving into fear of their seemingly invincible power and capitulating out of despair to their agendas.

As the dark lords of this world use their palantíri to profile us and broadcast selected and deceptive messages throughout the world, you may wonder how you can avoid being misled into their web of control and ruin. Something stronger is needed to cut through their tools of deception.

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” (Hebrews 4:12-13)

Humble yourself before God, repent of your sins, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and reconciliation with God (Romans 1-5). He will grant you not only a reborn life that will never end (John 3:1-21), but also the gift of discernment that comes from the indwelling presence of God through the Holy Spirit.

Seek the Lord’s guidance through prayer and meditating on the word of God. That is, read and reflect on what He has revealed in the Bible, allowing it to shape your thoughts, emotions and actions (Romans 12:2). His word is a mirror that shows us reality and our need for His salvation. It is there to help us, not to trick us (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

God knows infinitely more about you than can ever be discovered by Palantir or whatever other surveillance tools the global elites wish to use. The big difference is that He loves you and will never use this knowledge to lie to you or mislead you (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18). He grants hope in this perilous world filled with traps, distractions and misdirections.

Have faith in His Son Jesus, who will give you the discernment and peace you need to navigate the ocean of lies promulgated by the god of this world and his minions and bring you safely home to His eternal kingdom (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; James 1:5).

https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/gods-gift-of-discernment-amid-globalists-deception/feed/ 0
The ‘Strange Angels’ of Stanford Medicine https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/the-strange-angels-of-stanford-medicine/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-strange-angels-of-stanford-medicine https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/the-strange-angels-of-stanford-medicine/#respond Fri, 04 Oct 2024 23:03:22 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5268569 'Was a still-beating heart harvested from an un-anesthetized, newborn baby?']]>

Editor’s note: In Part 1, “The power to create a voice for the unborn is within our grasp,” Anthony LoBaido calls for an Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn to speak for the world’s most vulnerable at the United Nations.

In Part 2, LoBaido posits that humanity can marshal the intellectual, technological, financial and organizational capacity to chart a positive course for the future – without killing off billions of people.

In Part 3, LoBaido navigates the occult-related history of Stanford. At Stanford Medicine, fetal tissue “equity” is questioned: Was a still-beating heart harvested from an un-anesthetized, newborn baby and brought to campus? If so, who was this baby?

“I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a D.A. I was an attorney general. A United States senator. And now vice president. I’ve only had one client. The people. And I’ll tell you, as a prosecutor I never asked a victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat. The only thing I ever asked them: Are you OK?” – Kamala Harris, from the transcript of her first debate with Donald Trump

“You must choose the lesser evil. Who is the lesser evil – the one chasing away migrants or the one that kills children? Both are against life. The church does not permit abortion. Why? It’s an assassination.” – Pope Francis

“How do you know you’re in the presence of evil?” – From the CBS All Access series “Strange Angel”

Stanford University has always been shrouded in mystery. Its larger-than-life founder, Leland Stanford, “The Disruptor,” had been a serial failure. His house burned down, along with his huge, magnificent law library. He recovered to assist in building the transcontinental railroad. Elected as California’s governor, he raised downtown Sacramento to prevent flooding after the Great Flood of 1862. Yet after gaining the whole world per se, he lost what he treasured most – his only child and son.

The mid-to-late 19th century was a heyday for the occult. Leland’s family was heavily involved. Today Stanford offers a course on this topic.

Jane Stanford’s still-unsolved murder in Hawaii is baffling. As Leland’s beloved wife, her central passion was the campus and the Memorial Church – perhaps the most beautiful in the Western Hemisphere. Jane often “consulted” her dead son and dead husband about running the university. A peer said Stanford is “run by ghosts.” Jonathan Fetter-Vorm’s artistic look at this aspect of Stanford’s history can be viewed here.

Fast forward to the psychic spies and Jedi Warriors of the Stargate Project, thanks to Stanford Research Institute (SRI). For 44 years, the ritual murder of Arlis Kay Perry at the Memorial Church inspired eerie rumors of a satanic cult linked to Son of Sam. Netflix features Maury Terry’s life-long obsession, “Sons of Sam,” hinting at such a cult. Journalist Scott Herhold’s epic “Murder Under God’s Eye,” is a must-read.

Saudi Aramco’s vast oil wealth was gifted by Stanford geologist Max Steineke – giving rise to the global petrodollar (and thus the ability of the U.S. to export its inflation) and financing Saudi Arabia’s nuclear weapons on-call from Pakistan, reports the BBC. Stanford’s tentacles appear to be limitless.

Marvel John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons, an aspiring Stanford chemistry student, perfectly embodies the campus’ opaque, occult background. No American had a greater impact on the United States as a post-World War II military power. He invented rocketry, the rocket engine and storable rocket fuel – used by NASA in the Space Shuttle. Parsons established the foundations for space travel. Aptly, a crater on the moon was named for him. He founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, home of the Rose Bowl.

Parsons’ partner, Frank Malina, had studied at Texas A&M. Their boss at GALCIT was Theodore von Karman. The L.A. Times says he was a “… descendant of Rabbi Judah Loew, the 16th century Prague mystic who conjured a “‘Golem’ or a mechanical man brought to life with sacred writings.” Read about it here.

Parsons worked on projects that helped to win World War II. His company, Aerojet, built Jet-Assisted Take-Off (JATO) to help propeller planes with heavy loads take off on short runways and carriers. He paved the way for the military-industrial complex. Yet all of it was a sideshow for Parsonsmain purpose in life.

With the aid of Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard and Parsons‘ own version of Ginger from “Gilligan’s Island” – the eclectic Marjorie Cameron – Parsons attempted to use drugs and “sex magick” to sire the Antichrist. Southern California in the 1930s and 1940s was a hotbed of occultism, as 1960s archetypes of sex, drugs and dark arts manifested. (Parsons believed magic could be explained by quantum physics.)

There’s more. As Israel emerged, circa 1948, Parsons was accused of spying for the Israelis while working for Howard Hughes. Parsons told the FBI he had merely applied to lead Israel’s rocket program. He was found not guilty, as the “application” he wrote contained no secrets. Yet he lost his security clearance.

Occultists and end times Bible prophecy buffs speculate modern Israel was created to receive the Antichrist. In Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman, Arabs often speak of the Antichrist they call “al Dajjal.” Invoking Babylon, Parsons said astral projection transported him on a “Black Pilgrimage” to the City of Chorazin in Israel. Parsons took the “Oath of the Abyss” and declared himself to be the Antichrist after an entity he called “Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal” embodied him. Read it here and here. Listen here. Why Chorazin?

The teachings, signs and wonders of Jesus Christ manifested in Chorazin. Yet Jesus cursed that city, as it was given much (miracles), and much (faith, repentance) was demanded – but the citizens did not change. So the city was destroyed. Khirbet Karraza’s ruins remain in its place. Read about it here, in Matthew 11:20–22 and in Luke 10:13–14. “Parsons-Al Dajjal,” is chilling but not random, as the non-canonical, Middle Ages Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius says due to Jesus’ curse, the Antichrist shall be conceived in Chorazin.

CBS, via Parsons’ two-season series “Strange Angel,” couldn’t resist the allure of what you’ve just read. Yes, all of this happened. And that is profoundly troubling, because once you know about all of these things, events and individuals directly or even tangentially relating to Stanford, you can’t possibly un-know them.

Far scarier tales remain: Was a requisitioned, still-beating heart cut from a baby and sent to Stanford? Is it also true that while attorney general of California, Kamala Harris, of “Are you OK?” fame, sent the authorities to confiscate evidence (deemed illegally obtained) of fetal harvestings? If so, how dare they?!

Stanford as a global power center

Stanford University is not only a gorgeous campus (take a look at the Main Quad here), it’s a preeminent global power center. It has produced some of the most brilliant, talented and creative minds on Earth. Political elites like Condoleezza Rice and Susan Rice. Erudite classicist Victor Davis Hanson. Stellar athletes like John Elway, his premier Denver Broncos wide receiver, Ed McCaffrey, and current NFL star (and son) Christian McCaffrey. Ancillary big names include Chelsea Clinton, the legally blonde, $400 million dollar Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon and many other stars of Stanford. And, Anthony LoBaido as well.

On Aug. 10, 2023, I was contacted to consider a position at Stanford Medicine I never even applied for. At that time, I was at NASA-Ames. For 10 weeks, I interviewed with a range of Stanford Medicine and Health Care (SMHC) stakeholders. On Oct. 6, I received a detailed email explaining SMHC was “excited about [my] ideas” for Artificial Intelligence and a Chatbot. And then finally, I was hired.

Jack Parsons dropped out of Stanford in 1934. LoBaido dropped in on Oct. 23, 2023. I worked on a range of special projects. For example, there were the biosecurity cabinets. I served as a “scribe” following inspectors around Stanford Hospital, busy dictating their observations to me. I worked on a Cryogenics course. I redesigned and taught Confined Space Awareness. The safety newsletter I created (in English and Spanish) was well-received. I translated final examinations into Spanish. SMHC’s excitement fueled my White Paper outlining how AI can be used to merge the physical infrastructure with operations.

This student display at Stanford was set up after the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks. The empty chairs were meant to draw attention to those kidnapped by Hamas. (Original photo by Anthony LoBaido, Oct. 31, 2023.)

On Halloween, Oct. 31, 2023, I was walking across the campus and was shown a series of tables set up in memory of those kidnapped in Israel during the infamous Gaza raid of Oct. 7, 2023. Palestinian-supporting students had a display nearby. No signs of visible anger or confrontation were apparent. Students from Venezuela were calmly articulating the Palestinian cause. Halloween reminds this writer of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the infamous Hessian mercenary, Fox’s TV series “Sleepy Hollow” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.” And now, that banquet table will also be a reminder.

That day, I met a group of Stanford doctors, lab techs and nurses. Each spun a yarn for me about Stanford Medicine – like the macabre urban legend claiming a newborn baby had its heart cut out, harvested and sent to Stanford while still-beating. I thought this tale was an onboarding hazing ritual or practical joke.

Many at Stanford Medicine and elsewhere on campus are horrified by fetal harvesting. Yet for others, the relatable concern is a lack of “equity” in fetal tissue procurement. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Mark 12:31 Bible billboards helping you facilitate the killing of your babies mirror such acceptance.

What is “equity”? Equity is a postmodern, quasi-religion whose daily “miracles” are commonplace – in the imaginations of its disciples. No matter your innate talents, intelligence, hard work, intuition, looks, education and self-sacrifice – you’ll “earn” equal outcomes. Utopias in human history (“Year Zero” of the Khmer Rouge) never end well. The Marxist, anti-meritocracy within our complex systems is imploding.

Pivoting to “equality” for the unborn, while the WEF, DNC and U.N. expose a mythical “right” to kill your baby, the Stanford legal experts I met proposed a Bill of Rights for the Unborn – along with a lawsuit filed on behalf of the fetal tissue donors to release equity data, federal reporting requirements and congressional hearings. Pro-life legal issues, if debated at the United Nations, could cite R2P (Responsibility to Protect) due to the “genocide” of 1.7 billion global abortions as a crime against humanity, the death penalty, cruel and unusual punishment (the silent scream), no due process (14th Amendment ), body parts sold off for medical “research” without compensation, losing the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not following the Hippocratic Oath of “do no harm,” and the denial of all natural, human and civil rights.

We’ve been here before. Spartacus, Martin Luther and Bible readers burned at the stake in the Middle Ages are all archetypes of our needed transformation. Spartacus defeated nine Roman armies as the best Special Forces soldier ever. He said, “No one should profit because of the maiming or killing of another.”

‘Unburdened by what has been … revealed

A brilliant, courageous Stanford-trained and educated medical expert named Theresa Deisher testified in court concerning a high-profile case relating to abortion. It was a legal battle royal touching upon fetal harvesting. The case involved Planned Parenthood and made both national and global headlines.

Pro-life journalist David Daleiden had secretly recorded conversations about fetal harvesting activities. And Kamala Harris, as then-attorney general of California, sent the authorities to confiscate his (illegally obtained) evidence. Daleiden and Deisher seem to wear the white hats in bringing harvesting issues to light.

Daleiden stated that tissue provider StemExpress told him harvested hearts came from living babies. Read it here. And here’s a journal article to help you deconstruct “research” some might consider an abomination.

This article is a must-read for interested parties. Scientific American weighs in here. Mother Jones takes a shot here. StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer touches upon aborted baby hearts being sold. Read it here. The 1916 Project plants its flag here, noting Margaret Sanger was canceled in 2020 as a racist wanting to kill off black babies.

Think Sanger is old news? Just look at this Yahoo story on the National Institute of Health asking for a special batch of aborted babies who are 25% black. Is this “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” (DEI) or racial targeting of our most vulnerable, an auto-genocide, continuing 400 years of injustice to blacks?

Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood and the courts in California have cast a watchful eye on Daleiden.

They feel they have reason. And the law has backed them up. Not backing down, Daleiden organized a massive document dump on related issues. Review it here. Yet he lost his appeal.

Here’s a Daleiden v. Planned Parenthood case text if you wish to read it. The law aside, Harris confiscating these “secret recordings” cannot silence the silent screams of the babies losing their lives.

Daleiden, who in effect is a spy for the unborn, spoke to CNN about the process of him editing his videos. Watch it here. He mentions medical people harvesting the lung or brain of the baby. Chris Cuomo hosts. This video clip clearly hasn’t aged well. Watch as Mr. Cuomo talks about “pro-life people, conservative Catholics and their beliefs versus about two-thirds of Americans who want to fund Planned Parenthood.”

PBS does a deep dive into the footage Daleiden collected – both the raw unedited footage and his edited versions. Take a look and draw your own conclusions. Ask if the two-thirds of Americans Cuomo refers to are fully informed about fetal harvesting or still remain in the dark? For example, the University of Pittsburgh is cited here, as babies at 42 weeks might be harvested with beating hearts.

Stanford Memorial Church embodies the life’s work of Jane Stanford. It has been compared with the most beautiful churches in the Western Hemisphere. (Original photo by Anthony LoBaido.)

Read more about Deisher here. Focus on the “Langendorff apparatus … designed to keep fluid pumping through a heart that has been cut out of a body.” Deisher actually took another case all the way to the Supreme Court. Read about that one. She talks about the commoditization of human beings here.

Pivoting back to Stanford Medicine, people asked if the fetal donor babies were aborted, born alive, then harvested and later thrown in the trash. Others asked if they’d been baptized and if they have names. Some mentioned the Catholic Church performing a cleansing ritual on campus, building a memorial to harvested babies and for academic, athletic and medical scholarships to be set up in their names.

It’s Stanford, so there are important (often data-driven) questions about the chain of command: Who orders body parts, the budget, does a ledger exist, all of the meeting minutes and who signs for delivery?

Several on campus pointed to the “missing people” at the Israeli banquet tables as a “metaphor” for the missing children killed and harvested for fetal tissue. Others mused if our failure to protect the innocent unborn at home is reflected abroad in all the children being killed in Gaza, with AI used for targeting, also in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Libya and the Ukraine. It’s bloodshed touching bloodshed …

On an ancillary note, I learned there is a lot of incredible research going on at Stanford about the human heart. Study that here. There are legitimate innovations we must support. Where do we draw the line?

Next steps for Kamala Harris

MSN ran a column stating Sarah Huckabee Sanders slighted Kamala Harris by saying the VP “doesn’t have biological children.” It was a cheap shot. The best person I’ve ever known – my late mother, Viola LoBaido – also didn’t have biological children. She adopted me and my sister, Carol-Donna.

My biological mother chose life. God directed Viola to become my mother on this Earth. This enabled my amazing adventures around the world in 53 nations. Yet my journeys were possible because God and life were put first. I wasn’t murdered – and my heart wasn’t cut out – like Aztecs standing atop a ziggurat.

When Viola told me, before I left for Arizona State, “Someday you will prove you’re Stanford material,” I think she meant as a writer, journalist, photographer, professor and architect of Artificial Intelligence – not as a (fetal) body part donor, nor signing off on receiving a baby’s beating heart at Stanford Medicine.

Kamala Harris needs to pick up the phone and call Stanford and Pitt. Ask them for all their data on “equity” for fetal tissue donor babies and those babies’ race, culture, religion, nation-state, ethnicity and the socio-economic status of their parents. Use the fancy, two letters of AI to analyze all that data. Then publish it, along with the chain of command, requisitions, budgets, minutes and signatures.

Kamala must accept the reality of third-trimester abortions. The New Yorker documents it here. Babies are killed after botched abortions, or left to die. Their organs are harvested and sold off. The U.S. federal government has targeted black babies for abortion and fetal harvesting. Then, living out “what unites us,” the VP can visit a garbage dump, find remains of “the people” who are also her “clients,” the discarded, harvested babies and ask them, “Are you OK?”

Then Kamala, as the daughter of a Stanford professor, at times the Queen of Babble-on, working out being called “the one that kills children” and an “assassin” by the pope, in front of the entire world, yet still adored by a vast army of childless cat ladies – some maybe tricked into killing their unborn babies and have lived to regret it – can, while “unburdened by what has been … revealed” on David Daleiden’s illegal, secret recordings, tell us all about it during her inauguration speech on Jan. 20, 2025.

It’s as old as the Crucifixion: state-sanctioned leaders like Herod and Pilate with life-and-death power. Back then, their drunken foot soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh and cast dice for His robe. A billboard (INRI) hung over Jesus’ head. These days, Daleiden is crucified for exposing barbaric acts.

In A.D. 33, the prize was “The Robe.” Today, it is the fetal tissue, human capital for the financialization of state-of-the-art medical research, perhaps for vaccines, cloning, Super Soldiers and transhumanism (H+).

Back then, Pilate washed his hands, only to learn of Jesus’ empty tomb, staffed by holy angels and Mary Magdalene. Today, like Pilate, we also gaze into an empty tomb – the cold heart of a woman delighting in killing the unborn, her unwashed hands, her career free of meritocracy. The failed “border czar,” enabling fentanyl, human-organ-drug-sex-child trafficking, attacks on police, rape and Laken Riley’s murder. Her 92% VP staff turnover. Proud to be the No. 2 in the room when the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle was ordered. A woman misled (as Jack Parsons was misled, yet chose his path) by purveyors of bloodlust and greed, paving/lighting the way to the mobile abortion van near the DNC and to the White House.

Final thoughts

Gavin Newsom needs new billboards: “If the light in thine eye be darkness, how great is that darkness.”

Matthew 18:10 informs us, “Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father. …” As such, Lord knows the “Strange Angels” at Stanford were never “Stanford material” if they exploit material body parts of aborted babies.

A U.N. Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn will be a major step all normal people take toward righting the wrongs of fetal harvesting. With their newfound collective voice, the unborn can ask Kamala Harris, “Are you OK … with killing us, experimenting on us and the profits from that – be it money for the exploiters of our tissue or your own personal political power – based on our torture and death? How dare they!”

The 195 Ambassadors-at-Large, 193 U.N. members and two with Observer Status, will be a paradigm shift in human history. While this will change no existing laws, the unborn, given a voice, will become a law unto themselves. It’s as if Leland Stanford’s law library is being burned to the ground all over again.

Bacteria in outer space are considered a sign of life by scientists. Colombia’s cocaine hippos have been declared “people” under a federal court order. Can we do no less for these beautiful, innocent babies – cherishing their beating hearts, their souls and their destinies – as ascribed in the Book of Life in heaven?

Stanford brings to mind Saudi Aramco, Arlis Kay Perry, the Stargate Project and Jack Parsons. Perhaps someday it will also be remembered the ideas for an Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn and a Bill of Rights for the Unborn both originated at Stanford. Saving the unborn is a spiritual battle. We know we’re in the presence of evil as we mind the business of the silent screams.

Each aborted person leaves a gap on this Earth. Putting life and God first might save the next John Elway and the next Reese Witherspoon. It has already saved Anthony LoBaido.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/10/the-strange-angels-of-stanford-medicine/feed/ 0
The globalists’ heightening war against Trump https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/the-globalists-heightening-war-against-trump/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-globalists-heightening-war-against-trump https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/the-globalists-heightening-war-against-trump/#respond Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:12:07 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5266251 'War, not peace, is what the Deep State wants to justify its existence']]>

Only one man stands in the way of the globalist agenda: Donald Trump. Globalists are doing everything they can to prevent his return to the White House.

On Sunday, Ukraine’s Zelensky visited the large munitions plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he was welcomed by Democrats Gov. Josh Shapiro and embattled Sen. Bob Casey Jr. Their implicit message is that sending more American-made arms to Ukraine, with permission to launch them deep inside Russia, would appeal to voters in this pivotal swing state.

In an interview published Sunday by The New Yorker magazine, Zelensky campaigned for the globalist-controlled Kamala Harris by improperly describing Trump’s VP as “too radical” for urging peace. JD Vance is the popular U.S. senator from Ohio where many Ukrainian Americans reside, and Vance rightly speaks out against this senseless war as RFK Jr. and others have.

After sharply criticizing Trump and Vance – which should be considered an illegal foreign campaign contribution to Kamala Harris – Zelensky was flown at taxpayer expense to Scranton on a U.S. Air Force C-17A plane. Zelensky never mentions how many Ukrainians have died in this futile war, which has inflicted over a million casualties and wanton destruction.

Globalists provided Zelensky with more security for his campaign stop in Pennsylvania than for Trump. The Deep State cares more about keeping Zelensky safely in power than about protecting Trump so that he can become president again.

Zelensky is not helping himself by picking sides in our presidential race, or by lashing out at Trump and Vance as early voting begins. Trump will be tougher now in forcing Zelensky to accept a peace deal that would include holding the free election Zelensky canceled when he declared martial law.

Meanwhile, Ryan Wesley Routh, the would-be assassin on Trump’s Florida golf course, sat undetected in nearby bushes all night and morning waiting for Trump to reach the adjacent hole. No one swept the course perimeter, which would have easily caught Routh without gunfire.

Routh considered himself to be a “global citizen” and even wrote a book about it. “ALL GLOBAL CITIZENS COME STAND WITH UKRAINIANS NOW!” his book shouted in an excerpt available on Amazon.com.

Who paid for this assassin’s travel from Hawaii to Ukraine and back, and then to South Florida? When the British newspaper Daily Mail interviewed Routh’s 35-year-old son, Oran Routh said his father told him he was at the beach, which the son assumed was in Hawaii, not Florida.

The DOJ released a handwritten letter addressed to “Dear World” in which Ryan Routh admits “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.” Though grateful for the work of local law enforcement and the alert action by the Secret Service agent who shot at the would-be assassin, Trump properly criticized the meager charges that were filed against the wannabe killer.

“The charges brought against the maniac assassin are a slap on the wrist,” Trump stated on Monday. “Florida charges would be much more serious than the ones the FBI has announced.”

The Secret Service does not lack adequate funding, as the House pretended when it voted unanimously to send them hundreds of millions of additional dollars even before the agency accounts for its failure to prevent Trump from being shot in Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13. The real problem is that the Deep State hates and fears Trump, who should fire much of the D.C. elite upon returning to the White House.

The 741 self-described “National Security Leaders” who published a manifesto endorsing Kamala cited as one of their reasons that Trump would probably fire some of them if he takes office again. Biden and Harris have not fired a single person for more than 3.5 years, despite pervasive wrongdoing and gross incompetence as in their deadly pullout from Afghanistan.

At an overflow rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Trump explained how he kept peace in the world for four years as president. But war, not peace, is what the Deep State wants to justify its existence and engage in profiteering from arms sales and then construction projects afterward in the destroyed countries.

On Tuesday Biden delivered his final speech to the United Nations in promotion of the globalist ideology, mouthing words that were written for him to deliver. Biden pledged endless ongoing “support to help Ukraine win this war,” which is impossible.

In contrast, Trump explained to the crowd who packed the 6,000-seat arena in Indiana, Pennsylvania, that the world is on fire because of Biden and Harris. They did nothing to prevent this war or the worsening one in the Middle East.

Globalists are pro-war because they enrich themselves from the weaponry sold and used, and from the rebuilding that follows. They picked Harris as their puppet to continue this agenda.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/the-globalists-heightening-war-against-trump/feed/ 0
‘Dystopian nightmare’: U.N. demands immunity for ’employees’ implicated in Oct. 7 massacre https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/dystopian-nightmare-u-n-demands-immunity-for-employees-implicated-in-oct-7-massacre/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dystopian-nightmare-u-n-demands-immunity-for-employees-implicated-in-oct-7-massacre https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/dystopian-nightmare-u-n-demands-immunity-for-employees-implicated-in-oct-7-massacre/#respond Sun, 22 Sep 2024 20:48:30 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5265200 And the Biden-Harris Justice Department supports claim participants are 'immune from prosecution']]>
Two UNRWA terrorists are caught on a security camera after killing an Israeli civilian on Oct. 7, 2023, and kidnapping his body.
Two UNRWA employees are caught on a security camera after killing an Israeli civilian on Oct. 7, 2023, and kidnapping his body.

JERUSALEM – The United Nations, with the backing of the United States Department of Justice filed an official document in a U.S. court, arguing UNRWA employees implicated in the Oct. 7 massacres should be immune from prosecution, according to a report on Israel’s Channel 12 Saturday evening.

In the document submitted to the court, the U.N. claims the UNRWA employees who participated in the massacre have immunity: “Since the U.N. has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit should be dismissed.”

Furthermore, the U.S. Justice Department under the questionable stewardship of the Attorney General Merrick Garland, backed the U.N.’s play: ”The plaintiffs’ complaint does not present a theory under which the United Nations waived its immunity. Therefore, since the U.N. has not waived their immunity in this case, its subsidiary organization, UNRWA, continues to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution, and the lawsuit against the defendant UNRWA should be dismissed due to the lack of subject matter.”

We are not talking unpaid parking tickets in New York City, here, which can simply be waived away. At issue is the participation of hundreds of UNRWA employees – at various levels of seniority – in the worst anti-Jewish pogrom in some 80 years.

It is estimated some 10% of UNRWA’s 14,000 or so Gaza staff (pre-war) also moonlight as Hamas operatives.

In August, UNRWA itself acknowledged nine of its staff “may have been involved in the Oct. 7 massacre,” although this figure seems unrealistically low. Additionally, credible reports have emerged of high-ranking UNRWA employees stealing and hoarding the aid which has flowed into Gaza to offset a non-existent threat of famine.

In July, Israel’s parliament – the Knesset – passed the first reading of a trilogy of bills aimed at shuttering the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East amid evidence the organization is increasingly indivisible from the Gaza Strip’s rulers, Hamas. Indeed, on the evidence, it branded UNRWA a “terrorist organization.”

If further evidence of the dystopian nightmare many of us have felt we are inhabiting over the last few years – and particularly since the Hamas onslaught against southern Israel – then this might just be the concluding piece.

It is also a particularly nasty and capricious piece of lawfare, with Channel 12 explaining the onus would now be on the surviving family members having to demonstrate why the immunity protecting UNRWA workers should be revoked.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/dystopian-nightmare-u-n-demands-immunity-for-employees-implicated-in-oct-7-massacre/feed/ 0
On 4 different continents: Today’s 4 greatest freedom fighters https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/on-4-different-continents-todays-4-greatest-freedom-fighters/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=on-4-different-continents-todays-4-greatest-freedom-fighters https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/on-4-different-continents-todays-4-greatest-freedom-fighters/#respond Mon, 16 Sep 2024 23:15:28 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5263521 'All ... have become targets of delegitimization and political coups']]>

The Western world is descending into darkness and chaos, not unlike pre-World War II. For the last number of decades there has been a silent communist march through our institutions, and since its intersectionality with Islamism, a 7th century doctrine once turned back at the Gates of Vienna, the West is now in danger of losing its Judeo/Christian underpinnings as well as our liberties guaranteed within our constitutional republic.

Under the auspices of a corrupt U.N. headed by tyrannical Islamic regimes, Communist China and advanced by a global corporatist-elite communist oligarchy (The World Economic Forum and the European Union), they are advancing the end of national sovereignty, open borders and a One World Global Order governed by them. Should they succeed, it would spell the end of our democracy and our 250-year experience as a constitutional republic.

We are witnessing the deliberate, illegal, Third World population replacement ushered onto Western shores across Western Europe and North America by those who are attempting to create a permanent unskilled, uneducated underclass permanently dependent on government for its survival. It has already begun to erode the middle class in blue states throughout the country, and its purpose is to guarantee a permanent centralized power hold for the elite. Akin to the Middle Ages feudal system, we the masses would become today’s serfs while the oligarchy would be our new overlords.

Leading the opposition against this menacing force seeking to enslave mankind in a new form of tyranny is North America’s Donald J. Trump, former president of the United States and current GOP nominee for president; Eastern Europe’s Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary since 2010; South America’s Javier Milei, president of Argentina; and the Middle East’s, Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel. All four freedom fighters situated on four different continents have become targets of delegitimization and political coups in attempts to deprive them of their influence and positions for the threat they pose to the communist/Islamist alliance.

Under President Trump’s leadership for four years, the communist/Islamic alliance made no headway. America’s southern border was relatively closed, the economy was booming, unemployment was at a 50-year low, America was energy independent, and there were no new wars on his dime. While Western Europe is currently amid an illegal Third World invasion wreaking havoc upon the native population with increased crime, gang rapes and assaults, Orban has defied the European Union by his refusal to allow a Third World population onto Hungary’s soil. Thus, unlike Western Europe, Hungary is still visibly clean, safe and Hungarian.

Unlike parts of South America where socialism, dictatorships and corruption is the norm, the ascent of Javier Milei, a free-market capitalist economist, to the position of president of Argentina has already produced significant improvements. He has reduced the size of government, reduced strangling regulations and encouraged privatization, which in turn has stimulated economic growth. Additionally, he has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization and has pledged his solidarity with Israel.

Next to President Trump, the oligarchy has no greater contempt than they have for democratically elected Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. Straying from Israel’s socialist foundation and following in the footsteps of Menachem Begin, Netanyahu is a capitalist. It is largely under his long reign of power that Israel, with a population of around 10 million and the size of New Jersey, has grown to be the 26th-largest economy in the world. No small feat for such a tiny country! Surrounded by chronically hostile Islamic states bent on Israel’s destruction, the Jewish nation has continually had to fight for its survival.

Although the Biden/Harris regime proclaims it is pro-Israel, their decision to withhold ammunition and much needed fighter jets to Israel proves otherwise. The Biden/Harris administration has given $180 million in aid to those in Gaza since Oct. 7, regardless of the decision by Gazans to have kept Hamas in power for the last 18 years. Prior to Oct. 7 and since, the Biden/Harris regime along with NGOs funded by George Soros have worked to undermine and attempt to overthrow Bibi’s right-of-center government. What they seek is a leftist/socialist Labor administration that would be in alignment with their One World Order. Netanyahu has withstood an onslaught from within and without Israel during a time of war and has become today’s David against Islam’s Goliath. For while Israel is the canary in the coal mine, the doctrine of Islam commands Muslims to “slay the unbelievers till all dominion is for Allah” (Quran, Sura 9.5).

While it may not be apparent to the naked eye, these four freedom fighters are fighting for humanity against the force of darkness. Our support for them is detrimental to what the future otherwise holds for all of us.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/on-4-different-continents-todays-4-greatest-freedom-fighters/feed/ 0
Surprise! Global court makes stunning ruling in ‘genocide’ case against Israel in Hamas war https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/surprise-global-court-makes-stunning-ruling-in-genocide-case-against-israel-in-hamas-war/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=surprise-global-court-makes-stunning-ruling-in-genocide-case-against-israel-in-hamas-war https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/surprise-global-court-makes-stunning-ruling-in-genocide-case-against-israel-in-hamas-war/#respond Thu, 12 Sep 2024 15:31:28 +0000 https://www.wnd.com/?p=5261998 South Africa has been seeking months-long delay to scrounge up corroborating evidence]]>


JERUSALEM – In a stunning decision, the International Court of Justice in the Hague, which is to hear a case South Africa brought against Israel on the “crime of committing genocide in Palestine,” has told Pretoria it will not be granted an extension to submit evidence.

The deadline is Oct. 28, with the country announcing on its Department of International Relations and Cooperation website it will be filing its memorial next month.

According to Israeli outlet Kan News, South Africa sought a lengthy several month extension to the process in the hope information would be forthcoming from another source, and would spare Pretoria its blushes, amid such rank humiliation.

With Iranian backing among others, South Africa leveled the accusation against Israel and more specifically the IDF some nine months ago, that its conduct in fighting the embedded Hamas terrorists was tantamount to genocide.

It was a charge Israel and its political and military leaders vociferously denied, pointing out the exterminatory nature of the initial attack on Oct. 7 – now known to have been carried out by some 6,000 people – both Hamas and other Islamist terrorists, along with regular Gazans – which sought to kill as many Jews as they could get their hands on.

Kan’s reporting noted the somewhat unusual nature of South Africa’s request, namely it is usually the defense which more frequently seeks to stall for time to allow as much corroboratory evidence to appear as possible. It might reasonably be assumed if such serious charges were to be brought, the complainant would have more than enough evidence to back up their prosecution.

Ugandan justice Judge Julia Sebutinde was the one voice of dissent (excluding Israel’s Aharon Barak) during South Africa’s original filing – a position that caused her country of origin to quickly distance itself from her position. In a lengthy and incisive dissent, Judge Sebutinde raised “serious concerns” about procedural issues, including Israel not having sufficient time to file written observations.

Did Israel pressure members of Congress?

Axios reported a scoop Monday, arguing Israel aggressively lobbied members of Congress to pressure South Africa to drop its proceedings at the ICJ.

According to Axios, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a classified cable to the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C., and to all the other consulates in the U.S. about South Africa’s ICJ case, and the diplomatic campaign surrounding it.

“We are asking you to immediately work with lawmakers on the federal and state level, with governors and Jewish organizations to put pressure on South Africa to change its policy toward Israel and to make clear that continuing their current actions like supporting Hamas and pushing anti-Israeli moves in international courts will come with a heavy price,” the cable read.

Since South Africa brought the case against Israel to the ICJ, the ruling ANC has been forced into a new and unprecedented multiparty coalition, after it lost outright control following decades of mismanagement and corruption.

Polio vaccinations

One of the many potential sticking points for South Africa’s claim of “genocide” is the fact the IDF has helped facilitate a successful polio vaccination drive – under the auspices of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, or UNRWA – in which more than half a million Gazan children have received at the least the first dose of preventative treatment for the disease.

https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/surprise-global-court-makes-stunning-ruling-in-genocide-case-against-israel-in-hamas-war/feed/ 0